the Team
Our Program Staff
Our instructors are amazing! If you interested in becoming an instructor, please contact us today!
Our Horses
There is an indefinable bond that develops between horses and their human friends. Horses are non-judgmental; they do not laugh when told secrets. They provide a strong shoulder to lean on, and they do not shun people who are a little different.
We use a variety of horse types, both large and small, but primarily use Icelandic horses, which are intelligent, good tempered, versatile and beautiful. Their average height is between 12.3 and 13.1 hands.
We carefully choose and work with horses that have a special attitude. They often seem to know that they are there to help, and “take care” of their special riders. All of our horses are carefully screened for temperament, trained for the unique situations encountered in therapeutic lessons, and carefully monitored to ensure that they remain in good health and spirit.
Milestones accepts horse donations, and you can also sponsor a horse!